Monday, October 31, 2005

for a change......

I've realized for the past 4 posts I've been writing about all the mundane things i could think of.Its time i get back to the main reason I've started something as a blog.I write here when I'm either very happy or feeling too low.I like to acknowledge that I'm very emotional.Its just something which makes me feel many varied emotions.All a part and parcel of our life.Our emotional response varies from situation to situation.Well after all its one of the greatest gifts we have received from GOD.The distinguishing feature from animals and non-living things.We should thus appreciate this gift and try to be quite expressive.Thats easier said than done.Lots of situations arise where we have to settle with a farce.Sometimes this may be life-saving for all we know.

Feelings do not need to be logical.They are not meant to be rational or justified.You feel something in a particular way because you are alive still.You are unique and can respond uniquely.Our daily life presents varied situations that try us and bring out the feelings in us.How good does it feel to be happy,exuberant??And when one can feel that,sorrow and grief come along too.Looking at an artist perform on stage we can gauge the number of emotions we are subjected to.All in the span of a few seconds or as long as you take them to be.Its particularly important for us to make sure we take these feelings in the right sense and learn to imbibe good ones and control the negative feelings.Even in the most trivial walks of our life,We are constantly,though unconsciously,following certain well-known beacons and landmarks.In the words of Henry D.Thoreou,"Not till we are lost,in other words not till we have lost the world,do we begin to find ourselves and realize where we are and the infinite extent of our relations."

We are exposed to such a variety of emotions mainly because of socializing.The people who walk in and out of our life affect us and are responsible for these myriad feelings.Sometimes people come into our life and we know right away they were meant to be serve a purpose,teach us a lesson or help figure out who we are or what we want to become.One can never know who these people are but once you lock your eyes with them,you know they will affect your life in some profound way.Every thing happens for a reason.Nothing happens by sheer chance or luck-all occur to test the limits of our soul.

Here is something i found .It sums it all up...all about how we can utilize our emotions to progress and mould ourselves better.

How do i change?
If i feel depressed i will sing.
If i feel sad i will laugh.
If i feel ill i will double my labour.
If i feel fear i will plunge ahead.
If i feel inferior i will wear new garments.
If i feel uncertain i will raise my voice.
If i feel poverty i will think of wealth to come.
If i feel incompetent,i will think of past success.
If i feel insignificant,i will think of my goals.
Today i will be the master of my emotions.


Anonymous said...

Your site is very slow.. Taking lots of time to load! And, Oct 31st last post?! Boy, Mebbe ur other side hasn't showed up for a loong time!! Now we know why u've CASHed in ur endsem! Good fer you...

bharani said...

and who is this studboy??check my cg..and ur bound to change ur opinion..the lack of furthur posts was b'coz i was truin out for fundaes and of course lack of mood..