Oh! I wish I were one. Surely then, I would know for certain what's going on in the other persons head. You see, I am talking about my inner-most desire -- to be a mind reader. True, I am obsessed with any thing that can give me insights into the complex working of the human mind- psychology or astrology.I read a lot of psychology books, envy people who have it as their profession. But I guess psychology is not something that is taught only in educational institutions. We don't get exposed to psychology for the first time in the class room like we do to Navier Stokes Equations! It is more a gut feeling and something familiarity and experience teach you. See you don't need someone to explain what your parents or siblings think when they behave the way they do. You know what you did wrong, when you pressed the wrong button. And without verbal exchange you can easily rectify and put their mind at ease. Call it what you want- manipulation? Maybe. But I think we always strive to keep our close one's happy and most important of all, ourselves happy. So, all the more better if you can predict what the other wants and give it to them. It seems a good way to clear out differences too.
Now I often wonder, why can't I use this properly with my friends? Aliens they are not. But something goes seriously wrong and wham! The disaster strikes. I don't know how to breach the gap. Nothing I do or say eases the tension. And especially when I pride myself for my great psycho studies, it reflects badly. Sometimes I think I get it all right, I am reading the signs properly, but maybe I miss nuances of their feelings. May be I don't want to hear them. But once I realize that what I tried so hard to ignore is what is truly felt, it pains like hell. But I still vouch for sensitivity. Just remove the stupidity, I tell myself.
Now viewing it detachedly, it's a blessing in disguise when you are acutely tuned to other person's thought processes. It's like your in their head and can read between the lines to decode the catches in their speech. But your optimism that everything is rosy and good won't hold too long when the hypocrisy is no more unnoticeable. There is no problem when you are a dumb believer of whatever people tell you. Everything seems just right because people have perfected the art of honey dipped speech. No problem when you are too astute to trust anyone. They either won't bother with you or it's the other way round. But you're a goner if you are mid-way. You somehow feel what is going on and can distinguish the undercurrent of thought from what you are hearing. Simultaneous processing or delayed processing. But somehow the latter is beneficial as your delayed reaction would get you all gooey at a later time, in the privacy of your room maybe. What ever it is, you feel hugely let down. Betrayed, more by thought than action. Has it not been said that thought matters more than action?
You can't take it if your closest friend thinks differently from what he is saying. You don't want to hear, "Maybe you are expecting too much." when it was the first ever favor you asked of your long time friend. You don't want to know that your beloved is patiently bearing your stupidity and clumsiness just because you help him out in his work maybe. Surely he can't say you are more of a service agent than an object of affection and love. Maybe he can't get rid of you because there is no spark, but you are helpful and he can't lose you. Your boss may not like you but he shows that only when you are in line for promotion otherwise he seems to adores you. You surely don't want to know his reason. When my friends and I share our feelings, such above and many more cases come up. We agree it is not our fault. Just that when its you, people feel like hating you on sight while they give somebody else a fair chance. All the same, we can't understand why someone would be tolerant of someone new more than some time-tested friend of the yore. Maybe it is best we left such disturbing facets of the other fellow's psyche and stopped being disillusioned. That way we could save a lot of heart-ache and be at peace at least. We can't change others, so why not change our attitude and stop wondering why. Take them and their feelings with a pinch of salt and leave it at that. Think of people who care for you, who mind your feelings and value you. It does no good to your ego to hang around the one person who treats you like trash when others, who truly matter are waiting around. Don't do what hurts you to others. They won't wait too long for you to come to your senses maybe. After all, when we are worried about population explosion, there are enough other people!
We have to let go of many things to remain happy. Nobody is answerable to you and neither are you. It was right when someone said, "Two things in life you must forget- the good you do unto others and the bad they did to you." You should ask yourself "Can I live life without expecting others to be nice to me just because I was nice to them first?" That's the secret to a happy life. Well this too is from psyche analysis. But wise utility that! [:)]