Saturday, December 31, 2005

Oh what a wonderful vacation i had.What good food i had.Now have to get back to my mess khana :( ..Worst of all travel on Jan 1st but i had to stay as long as possible na..All good things have to come to an end right.But why??

Friday, December 23, 2005

Revisiting those sweet memories...

Laughing can take away our tiredness.
Having a dream gives us energy.

It has been a long time since i visited my old school friends, my school and my teachers.We had been in contact via the email but seeing them in person was a great feeling.Caught up in our old times together we realized a lot had changed and another lot was just as intact as ever.We had a lot of fun together and were laughing a lot.We shared what happened in our colleges and in no time at all were talking of our dreams and ambitions.We had such a wonderful time.Friends are treasures.

My school was as homely as it was earlier in spite of the huge renovation undertaken.The very face of it as i remembered was just a memory.Walking along the corridors and grounds of my alma mater with my friends was so touching.We should really thank god for such small pleasures in life and thank we did.Though few of the teachers who taught me were absent we had a jolly good time with the others.The teachers were visibly touched when we relieved those funny incidents in class and about our farewell.Our principal spent a little time with us.Only when we left did we realize we missed school life a lot.Nothing could have ever accounted for what we felt there.As they say, few things don't change.

I told all of them to take care of themselves.To be in good spirits and cheer.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Home..sweet home..

Ah!!Here i am with my heart satisfied, my famished pranas revived.Where else but at home, sweet home..This feeling of euphoria has caught on with me since the last day of my exams and doesn't seem to diminish even a little.Well at least till the results are out.Catching on with news here, meeting my friends, and what not.Having good food and crashing for god-knows-how-long go without saying.I was simply elated even at the prospect of a month long vacation and this suitably lives up to those expectations.
Lots to say but i am sooooo busy now (!!) that i have to keep it for some other time.

Friday, December 02, 2005

The road to success is not straight.There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends,red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, you will make it to a place called Success.

Monday, November 28, 2005


Well thats what i keep hearing.But if that happens to be a reality then i surely am blind.No offense meant- this is purely my opinion.Blame Google for giving me this space to voice my opinion in case you are rubbed the wrong side by this.
Starting from the scratch.There were few articles in the Hindu magazine on Sunday which seemed to voice a similar opinion.I was very agitated reading those.The issues brought out in those were of utmost importance.Everybody preaches about the equanimity of girls and boys.But if there be heart-speak,i would not agree upon that.I don't find that anywhere.Not in those homes where there are boys and girls.Not at school.Not in the universities not after marriage.Beyond that the vicious circle continues.
In the words of Shirley Chisholm,"The emotional,sexual and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says: 'It's a girl.' "Its true that both a boy and girl are same in the eyes of parents,yet there persists discrimination in few innocuous ways.Especially from the older generations of the family.This i could personally see in few of the so-called modern families too.The girl child is not allowed the free usage of net or the phone like the boy.One can say its for her own safety,but that, i feel ,should not come in the way of her socializing.
That being the situation at home,the school is no different.It is generally not acceptable to have a girl as the topper.The professors themselves,few ladies even,find difficulty in accepting the situation.The boys are made to cultivate the opinion that a girl is not supposed to dominate them.Is this not completely off the beam?Where the children are supposed to accept the others and learn to accept differences with equanimity,they are being given the exact opposite idea.
This being rooted deep down in them,they turn out even more domineering and chauvinist.Girls face the continual harassment from many guys.Many times it becomes so embarrassing and inconvenient for them to even venture out .This is justified by the rising number of eve-teasing cases.Personally i feel a very complex and basic issue has been smothered and made quite unimportant and of no consequence by naming it so.The problem needs immediate addressal and awareness needs to be spread.I cant help wondering how the guys would take to being vulnerable.
At workplace too females are not spared.To be successful a woman has to be much better at the job than a man.Added to that is the lack of co-operation and recognition.Well ultimate subjugation starts after marriage.The female is denied the freedom of expression too in some cases.The papers are so full of such cases.This being the situation in urban areas then the condition in rural areas needs no mention.
Is this what we call equality?The situation needs immediate addressal and improvement.Women have been trained to speak softly and carry a lipstick.Those days are over.They are as good, if not better, than men in any thing they do.Their mettle has been proved innumerable times in various situations-be it in the workplace ,in research or in space exploration.Its high time women are given the recognition that is due to them.Harmony and co-operation should prevail for any further improvement in the situation.
If you want to make beautiful music,you must play the black and the white notes together.

Monday, October 31, 2005

for a change......

I've realized for the past 4 posts I've been writing about all the mundane things i could think of.Its time i get back to the main reason I've started something as a blog.I write here when I'm either very happy or feeling too low.I like to acknowledge that I'm very emotional.Its just something which makes me feel many varied emotions.All a part and parcel of our life.Our emotional response varies from situation to situation.Well after all its one of the greatest gifts we have received from GOD.The distinguishing feature from animals and non-living things.We should thus appreciate this gift and try to be quite expressive.Thats easier said than done.Lots of situations arise where we have to settle with a farce.Sometimes this may be life-saving for all we know.

Feelings do not need to be logical.They are not meant to be rational or justified.You feel something in a particular way because you are alive still.You are unique and can respond uniquely.Our daily life presents varied situations that try us and bring out the feelings in us.How good does it feel to be happy,exuberant??And when one can feel that,sorrow and grief come along too.Looking at an artist perform on stage we can gauge the number of emotions we are subjected to.All in the span of a few seconds or as long as you take them to be.Its particularly important for us to make sure we take these feelings in the right sense and learn to imbibe good ones and control the negative feelings.Even in the most trivial walks of our life,We are constantly,though unconsciously,following certain well-known beacons and landmarks.In the words of Henry D.Thoreou,"Not till we are lost,in other words not till we have lost the world,do we begin to find ourselves and realize where we are and the infinite extent of our relations."

We are exposed to such a variety of emotions mainly because of socializing.The people who walk in and out of our life affect us and are responsible for these myriad feelings.Sometimes people come into our life and we know right away they were meant to be serve a purpose,teach us a lesson or help figure out who we are or what we want to become.One can never know who these people are but once you lock your eyes with them,you know they will affect your life in some profound way.Every thing happens for a reason.Nothing happens by sheer chance or luck-all occur to test the limits of our soul.

Here is something i found .It sums it all up...all about how we can utilize our emotions to progress and mould ourselves better.

How do i change?
If i feel depressed i will sing.
If i feel sad i will laugh.
If i feel ill i will double my labour.
If i feel fear i will plunge ahead.
If i feel inferior i will wear new garments.
If i feel uncertain i will raise my voice.
If i feel poverty i will think of wealth to come.
If i feel incompetent,i will think of past success.
If i feel insignificant,i will think of my goals.
Today i will be the master of my emotions.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


According to the news updates,there is a low pressure in bay of Bengal.I don't want to sound skeptic but this weather is doing me no good.Personally i don't relish this.Whoever conceived the idea that it would rain cats and dogs in chennai of all places??At least not me,after being a victim to the scorching heat here for the past year.As a matter of fact I've been here just that much time,but have heard enough about the lack of rains here.I had been subjected to heavy downpours back in my hometown long enough to get pissed off.So you can actually understand my dislike for these rains.I know its doing this place a lot of good,the farmers at least.That is if we overlook the havoc such heavy downpour is creating .The papers are all flooded with photos of the immense damage it has caused.This might not be of any consequence to me what so ever,but it has affected me in quite a different way.

Cold and sore throat.Is that any damage??You might be tempted to ask that,but don't even dare.Its me and only me who is in this situation.So don't i know better?With that in mind let me proceed on my current interest-cribbing.Thats because i am absolutely jobless,now that the quizzes are over.Off the line.So there go the brakes.Back to cribbing-a running nose wont be many people's fancy.Neither would one appreciate the company of someone with that.Same is the case with me.I really hate carrying a kerchief around or searching for one when i lose it.Worst part of this is i cant make myself do anything.I cant coax myself into going to the classes or do any of my pending works.So all i do is while away time by chatting with old friends.Now thats one topic for which i can move off the track.

I just love my friends.This might be because of having a select few.But really friends have a great pull for me.Its so wonderful spending time with them.Those go right into the few cherished memories of everyday.Of late i have been in contact with my old schoolmates.old is gold they say-and i vouch for that.There's nothing better than chatting with them and reminiscing about those old times spent together and catching up with current times.At any rate,this is providing some solace in the gloomy weather out there.Pushing drowsiness right out of my head.Let me not dwell too long on this right now.Have to answer myself what pressing things prevent me from doing that.Guessed it right i think.What else but my running nose.ha..ha..


Saturday, October 22, 2005


Yes....freed at last from those exams.Really nothing brought me to the edge of despair as did this quiz.I found myself completely lost and only now did i come to know of my ignorance.Well whoever said that ignorance is bliss knows just one side of the coin.That much for cribbing.

Just looking around i can find innumerable things to do.My very room demands a hell lot of attention now.Not to mention the novels i have to return or the assignments i should complete.There i am back at studies.NO.Forbidden territory [to my heart atleast].Right now all i need is a good means to rejuvenate my exhausted and bugged spirits.I tried burying myself in a movie.The flick was real cool and i thoroughly enjoyed it.Then went to the beach and had grub.Now banging the computer.Well...i understand i've put forth how jobless i am.Tried chatting but that turned out a fiasco when some fool buzzed me and i dint bother to ignore it.My mistake.

MISTAKE.Reminds me.That's not just the only one i committed of late.Dunno whats up with me but i seem to have lost all reason and purpose.I need time for introspection.Look-what am i saying?I have all the time anyone can wish for,yet i am making no progress about myself.Commiting mistakes is not a crime.To err is human.But to remain oblivious to these and keep repeating them-thats the height of stupidity.No... thats not being harsh - i need to be harsh on myself.I have got some goals and ideals to achieve.Those are set by me myself.So no point complaining that achieving them can be challenging.Its not that i dont make plans-i make too many of them,but not a single one gets executed.I have become too lazy to finish them.

But why the hell do i satisfy myself by saying i will do and i will do?Procrastination is a great hindrance in my path.The good thing about these flop shows in my quizzes is that i have retrieved the long lost feeling of commitment to work.All the best to me.

Monday, October 17, 2005


It surely could not have been worse.I messed up the paper completely and here i am not even caring a jot about it.Too cranky right?Inspite of the pathetic performance,i do not regret surfing the net today and putting up this piece of crap.Where the hell is my common sense when i need it utmost?Tomorrow's exam is even more pathetic.Hey..what am i thinking...its more than that.Atleast in these few hours,i can mug something na...Let me give it a shot....
P.S:I am unable to resist putting something up in my space...guess i am addicted...not a good turn of events...

Sunday, October 16, 2005

tough times ahead


What is this life full of care ,there is no time to stand and stare.Thats something i will vouch for owing to the horrible pressures i am being put under.Who ever said being a student is easy?If i go by what i hear i begin to wonder what life after this is bound to be.I seriously can't comprehend what everybody refers to as easy and care-free life...this student life.Too bad, no one sympathises with us or agrees that we do suffer a lot.

My semester lasts about 4 months and we are made to do a lot of courses in such a short span of time.And i can promise you that it does me no good.I hardly can cram stuff in such a short notice.Why can't the professors be a little more considerate and give us some to enjoy and understand the course?Well, now that i am past caring,i can right get down to penning down my woes[innumerable one's at that..]and crib my heart out.

Since the time i arrived this semester,i've kept promising myself that my mistakes in the previous sems wont re-occur.For heaven's sake NO.That simply wont be the case for me.How can my life become easy and simple?Prorastination says unto me"Hell,what ever are you getting out of it anyway?Just sit back and enjoy."Duffer that i am i agree.And now i reap the benifts all[in case you can call them benefits.]When there is a backlog,it simply does'nt go away.I try real hard,but to no avail.And just when i start to live with it,other things pile up too.To my great discomfort there loom the quizzes.I some how scraped through the 1st session of it all.Well my marks are not worth sharing though.Now thats the story a month ago.

I start from the day after those nightmares with new resolutions and determination.I even manage to find a secluded spot in the campus and study.But all good things should come to an end.Just a day it lasted,for god's sake,just a day.For the pending work that i have,it would hardly suffice.But i revert back to my old ways of wasting time on novels and stuff.Believe it or not,this blog was created in one such wasted time.And here i am,having to face the consequences of whiling away precious time.Isit in front of the computer,fidgeting with it and writing this useless bit of crap when nothing less than the 2nd quizzes start tomorrow.And i am becoming more and more paranoid as the day passes.And now i am frightened like hell of these as if my situation could get any worse.All i can do now is think and do nonsense.

Hell-- ask me and i will define it for you.Its too late now to start the courses afresh,but nevertheless with the zeal of a knight,lone one at that,i face the battle field tomorrow.I shall now resort to my textbooks and xeroxes of friend's notes to find something that might turn up in the paper tomorrow.I sign off on this optimistic note then.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

life's lessons....

Life presents immense opportunities all the way....Its only that one has to be on the look out and welcome these changes for all that they are worth.As is well known-- opportunity knocks just once..We come across a lot of people with different mentalities and perceptions.Though their ideas may differ completely from our view point,we learn to appreciate their company and get along.Adjustment is the key to our survival in this wierd world[obviously its wierd to our own personality]...well we do know how boring it would be if everyone were a mere clone of our own self...

One of the most intriguing part of this life is attachment and love.U might say its ephemeral but how else would humanity have survived through innumerable crisis and all but for the presence of loving souls??Hats off to those guardian angels who loved unconditionally and freely,imparting lessons of "live and let live"..It comes in different packing to every other individual.Love is a gift.If you recieve it,appreciate and accept it.Life becomes harder for us when we live for others,but it also becomes richer and happier.So we can sort of understand what drives philantropists.Taking a cue from such people,if we could strive to imbibe a little concern in our dealings with the world, we could create a better living space.

Innumerable things does one learn everyday..also one enjoys and learns to be happy ,inspite of the hostility around us.Well here goes our great point..Live everyday as if it were your last,because one of these days ,it will be.So...learn from yesterday,live for today and hope for tomorrow..

I sign off here now..thanking GOD for this great chance at life...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


one does feel rather disconcerted to find things go so amiss around oneself..true it doesn't happen all too often but the frustration and memories do linger..don't u wonder what it is that troubles may seem too trivial but when that alone comprises one's entire world,the view differs..its a grand festival out in this part of the country when one's expected
to enjoy all that comes their way..but heavens forbid..NO..its not smooth sailing for all..all my plans back fire and here i am in the dead of night searching for motivation to lift my failing spirits...Google u know comes too handy..well look at this one that has quite helped me...

You know a dream is like a river,ever changing as it flows.
And a dreamer's just a vessel that must follow where it goes.
Trying to learn from what's behind you and never knowing what's in store
makes each day a constant battle just to stay between the shores.
And I will sail my vessel till the river runs dry.
Like a bird upon the wind,these waters are my sky.
I'll never reach my destination if i never try,
So I will run my vessel 'til the river runs dry.
Too many times we stand aside and let the water slip away.
To what we put off 'til tomorrow has now become today.
So don't you sit upon the shore and say your satisfied.
Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance the tides.
--Victoria Shaw

Monday, October 10, 2005

here i start off....

Freedom only exists where love is present, The person who gives him/herself wholly,the person who feels the freest is the person who loves most wholeheartedly and the person who loves wholeheartedly feels the freest.In love no one can harm anyone else;we are responsible for our own feelings and cannot blame someone else for what we feel.No one ever loses anyone,because no one owns anyone,

That is the true experience of freedom : having the most important thing in the world without owning it.